Tuesday, February 14, 2023

My blogs

  1. Animal Farm by George Orwell 
  2. The age of Romanticism 
  3. George Orwell
  4. The poets of Romanticism 
  5. Satire
  6. The Victorian Age
  7. Chief writers or poets in the particular age of English literature 
  8. Important figures in English literature 
  9. The meaning of Literature 
  10. Non-Dramatic poets of Elizabethan age
  11. The character of Happy life
  12. Satire
  13. The Theatre of Absurd 
  14. Expressionism 
  15. Themes of 'The Monkey's paw'
  16. Stream of Consciousness 
  17. Problem plays in English literature 
  18. Dadaism
  19. Surrealism 
  20. Comedy- General introduction 
  21. John Dryden and Alexander Pope as Satirists
  22. Jonathan Swift as a Satirist
  23. How to write reported speech 
  24. Different types of comedy
  25. Dark comedy
  26. Press release- College activity 
  27. Ten modules to improve presentation skills
  28. Press release - Heavy rain 
  29. Air stream mechanism
  30. The Organs of speech
  31. Planning - a module to presentation skills
  32. Indian English literature 
  33. Networking and Socialising 
  34. Poem- Still you can..
  35. Present tense
  36. The Nightingale and the Rose
  37. The Renaissance in India 
  38. Negotiation 
  39. Learning with and from other tools
  40. The History of English language - Old English period 
  41. The History of English language - Middle English period 
  42. The History of English language - The Renaissance and after
  43. Intentional fallacy
  44. Reality and sincerity 
  45. The short story general introduction 
  46. Peacock as a Satirist 
  47. Origin of language 
  48. Personal presentation 
  49. Nails- Thinking activity 
  50. Aristotle's Poetics 
  51. Welcome Function- Batch 2022-24 Department of English, MKBU 
  52. The Neo-classical age
  53. Geoffrey Chaucer 
  54. Emerging Mythical characters - Radha-Krishna
  55. Love... Does It Everything?
  56. ICT Workshop 2022
  57. Thinking Skills Workshop 
  58. Pride and Prejudice - comparison of the novel and the movies 
  59. Lady Macbeth - Feminist reading 
  60. A visit to the Victoria park
  61. Wordsworth's Preface to the Lyrical Ballads
  62. The Rape of the Lock
  63. Pride and Prejudice 
  64. Post-Truth
  65. John Dryden - Dramatic Poesy
  66. Teacher's day -2022
  67. Religious fervour and A Tale of a Tub
  68. Lockdown by Simon Armitage 
  69. Frankenstein: The Modern Prometheus 
  70. Frankenstein - Movie Review 
  71. Allegory - Parody / A Tale of a Tub 
  72. Absalom and Achitophel
  73. Life of Pi- Movie Review 
  74. Prose writer of the Puritan age- John Bunyan
  75. George Eliot
  76. MKBU Youth festival 2022 highlights 
  77. Hard Times- play review 
  78. MKBU Youth festival 2022
  79. Teacher's day celebration 2022
  80. Presentations: MA semester 1 
  81. Paper no. 1:- Literature of Elizabethan and Restoration period
  82. Paper no. 2:- Literature of the Neo classical Period
  83. Paper no. 3:- Literature of the Romantics
  84. Paper no. 4:- Literature of the Victorians
  85. Paper no. 5:- History of English Literature - From 1300 to 1900
  86. Assignments: MA semester 1 
  87. Paper no. 101:- Literature of the Elizabethan and Restoration period 
  88. Paper no. 102:- Literature of the Neo-Classical period
  89. Paper no. 103:- Literature of the Romantics
  90. Paper no. 104:- Literature of the Victorians 
  91. Paper no. 105:- The History of English Literature from 1350 to 1900
  92. Importance of Being Earnest 
  93. Jude the obscure as bildungsroman novel
  94. Frame study: Modern Times
  95. Frame Study: The Great Dictator 
  96. Understanding Zeitgeist of 20th century 
  97. Prayer for my Daughter by W. B. Yeats
  98. Death by W. B. Yeats
  99. For Whom the Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway 
  100. The Waste Land by T. S. Eliot 
  101. NSS Annual Camp 2022- Samaldas Arts College, Bhavnagar
  102. Trends and Movements 
  103. Poems by Robert Frost 
  104. Tradition and Individual Talent by T. S. Eliot
  105. Comedy of Menace
  106. The Great Gatsby - Movie Review 
  107. Existentialism - Flipped Learning 
  108. Indian Poetics 
  109. Indian Aesthetics- Rasa theory 
  110. Transcendentalism 
  111. Waiting for Godot 
  112. Interpretation challenge- Samuel Beckett's play 'Breath'
  113. The Patriot by Nissim Ezekiel 

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