Monday, July 25, 2022

Welcome function, batch 2022-24


               On 24 july 2022, we all freshers of the department of English, MK Bhavnagar University got welcome party by our seniors. The whole function was hosted by Jheel barad and Dhruvita Dhameliya.

                The programme begane by University song and prayer -" Teri hai Zami". Initially one student from sem -1, Drashti, presented dance.

              Though we were attending lectures since 10 days, we all were not aware about various activities. So in very first part of the function, we all get not only a glimpse but the whole idea about how all kinds of activities are going on by our seniors. To handle these activities, there is one particular committee. Each committee has two leaders and other members to moderate it in a smooth way. Currently, 12 committees are working for various purposes. It includes,

  1. Daily assembly committee
  2. Gardening committee
  3. Sports and recreation committee
  4. ICT committee
  5. Celebration committee
  6. Bulletin board committee
  7. Library committee
  8. Art and creative committee
  9. Movie screening committee
  10. Financial committee
  11. Mass media committee
  12. Documentation committee

              I feel that all these communities give us a way to handle particular event. To be a leader is always tough task. So it provides us a kind of knowledge to handle upcoming responsibilities. It can be social, educational or professional. So the structure of all these communities have attracted me a lot.

               In between, there was a game presented by one  of my senior Himanshi. There was a wheel, on which name of sem 1 students and on other wheel was particular activity, that  choosen fellow had. I liked game the most, because by this we got a chance to present something at the moment and also was very informative.

         Two of my fellow, Akshat and Prabhat sang song. Particularly Akshat sang a Bollywood song "Tu hi meri shab hai" and Prabhat sang Duha-Chhand, and made the environment very enthusiastic.

                 There was another event presented by seniors was dance on the idea of "Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett", how we lives between fate and absurdity. It was presented by Emisha Ravani, Divya sheta and Mayuri.  It was very informative and also well prepared by them.

                Further, kavisha ma'am, Yesha ma'am and Vaidehi ma'am talk d about their days at the department. They gave us message to be enthusiastic in whatever things we do. Message of learn, unlearn and relearn.
                Finally Baradsir gave very brief introduction of literary sensibility and importance of Digital skills. Also put importance of learning through multimedia.
               After completing formal function, we had light meal. And then we had dance and Garba. 

             The whole function was nicely organised by our seniors.

            The record of this function is available on YouTube. 

Thank you for visiting...

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