Thursday, February 23, 2023

Analysing 'Ae mere vatan ke logon ' as a war song

Thinking Activity 

War poems

       This blog is written in response to the thinking activity assigned by Megha ma'am department of English, MKBU on War poem. So in this blog I am going to discuss some of the Bollywood songs- war songs that can be compared to the War poems written by English War Poets. Before that let's have a brief overview of War poems.

What is War Poems?

      War poetry is a literary genre originated during the first and the second World war. The First World War had a far-reaching effect on English poetry. It provided a new source of inspiration for the poets of established reputation and brought to public notice many poets, particularly among the young men who fought in the war. 

      War poems are poems that address the subject of war, including its causes, effects, and consequences. These poems often reflect on the experiences of soldiers, the impact of war on civilians and families, and the political and social factors that contribute to conflict Moreover, it serves as a great social document. War poems can be written from a variety of perspectives, including those of soldiers, civilians, and politicians. Some war poems are written to commemorate the sacrifice of soldiers, while others express outrage at the violence and destruction caused by war.

           Some of the most famous war poets include Wilfred Owen, Siegfried Sassoon, and Rupert Brooke, who wrote during World War I, and more recently, Brian Turner, who served in the Iraq War.

Major War Poets:

  • Siegfried Sassoon
  • Wilfred Owen
  • Rupert Brooke
  • Wilfrid Wilson Gibson
  • Ivor Gurney

      Here I am going to discuss one of the patriot song named "Ae mere vatan ke logon", which is written by Kavi Pradeep, sang by Lata Mangeshkar and composed by C. Ramchandra.

ऐ मेरे वतन के लोगों, तुम खूब लगा लो नारा

ये शुभ दिन हैं… हम सब का,

लहरा लो तिरंगा प्यारा..

पर मत भूलो सीमा पर, वीरों ने हैं प्राण गवाये

कुछ याद उन्हें भी कर लो, कुछ याद उन्हें भी कर लो

जो लौट के घर ना आये, जो लौट के घर ना आये

ऐ मेरे वतन के लोगों, ज़रा आँख में भर लो पानी

जो शहीद हुये हैं उनकी, ज़रा याद करो कुर्बानी

ऐ मेरे वतन के लोगों, ज़रा आँख में भर लो पानी

जो शहीद हुये हैं उनकी, ज़रा याद करो कुर्बानी

तुम भूल ना जाओ उनको, इसलिए सुनो ये कहानी

जो शहीद हुये हैं उनकी, ज़रा याद करो कुर्बानी

जब घायल हुआ हिमालय, ख़तरे में पड़ी आज़ादी

जब तक थी साँस लडे वो..जब तक थी साँस लडे वो,

फिर अपनी लाश बिछा दी, 

संगीन पे धर कर माथा, सो गये अमर बलिदानी, 

जो शहीद हुये हैं उनकी,ज़रा याद करो कुर्बानी

जब देश में थी दीवाली, वो खेल रहे थे होली

जब हम बैठे थे घरों में..

जब हम बैठे थे घरों में, वो झेल रहे थे गोली

थे धन्य जवान वो अपने, थी धन्य वो उनकी जवानी

जो शहीद हुये हैं उनकी, ज़रा याद करो कुर्बानी

कोई सिख कोई जाट मराठा, कोई सिख कोई जाट मराठा

कोई गुरखा कोई मदरासी, कोई गुरखा कोई मदरासी

सरहद पर मरनेवाला… सरहद पर मरनेवाला

हर वीर था भारतवासी

जो खून गिरा पर्वत पर, वो खून था हिन्दुस्तानी

जो शहीद हुये हैं उनकी, ज़रा याद करो कुर्बानी

थी खून से लथपथ काया, फिर भी बंदुक उठाके

दस दस को एक ने मारा, फिर गिर गये होश गँवा के

जब अंत समय आया तो, कह गये के अब मरते हैं

खुश रहना देश के प्यारों, खुश रहना देश के प्यारों,

अब हम तो सफ़र करते हैं, अब हम तो सफ़र करते हैं

क्या लोग थे वो दीवाने, क्या लोग थे वो अभिमानी

जो शहीद हुये हैं उनकी, ज़रा याद करो कुर्बानी

तुम भूल ना जाओ उनको, इसलिए कही ये कहानी

जो शहीद हुये हैं उनकी, ज़रा याद करो कुर्बानी

जय हिंद, जय हिंद, जय हिंद की सेना

जय हिंद, जय हिंद, जय हिंद की सेना

जय हिंद,जय हिंद,जय हिंद

जय हिंद,जय हिंद,जय हिंद

Writer: Kavi Pradeep

Singer: Lata Mangeshkar

Composed by C. Ramchandra

This patriotic song was written as a tribute to the Indian soldiers who died in the Sino-Indian War of 1962. It expresses the pain of losing loved ones in war and the sacrifices made by soldiers to protect their country. The song is often played on patriotic occasions in India and is considered one of the most iconic patriotic songs in Bollywood.

        This song can be compared to war poems as it is written to commemorate the sacrifice of soldiers during the Sino-Indian War. The song expresses the emotions and gratitude of the people towards the soldiers who fought and died for the country. It is a reminder to never forget the sacrifices made by the soldiers and to always remember their bravery and courage. The lyrics also mention the soldiers who were not able to return home and how their sacrifice should never be forgotten.

            This song is a poignant tribute to the valiant soldiers who laid down their lives for the nation. In the first stanza, the poet reminds us to never forget the sacrifices made by these brave soldiers and to always honor their courage. The lyrics pay homage to the fallen soldiers who were unable to return home, emphasizing that their sacrifice should never be forgotten.

          The subsequent stanza exhorts the people of the nation to shed tears and remember the martyrdom of these brave souls. The aim of the poem is to ensure that the memory of these soldiers lives on in the hearts and minds of all citizens.

          The third stanza paints a vivid picture of the Himalayas, a region surrounded by enemies, where freedom was at great risk. The soldiers fought relentlessly until their last breath and now rest in eternal peace. The poet urges us to remember their sacrifice, an everlasting reminder of their valor.

        The fourth stanza highlights the diverse cultural identities of the soldiers who united under a single purpose, to defend the nation. The soldiers from various regions of India, such as the Sikh, Jat, Maratha, Gurkha, and Madrasi, fought together as one, emphasizing their common identity as Indians. The poet reiterates that we must remember the sacrifice of those who were martyred.

         In the fifth stanza, the poet describes the soldiers' fierce determination to fight for their country, even when they were gravely injured. Despite being covered in blood, they picked up their guns and fought on, killing many enemy soldiers before eventually succumbing to their injuries. The poet characterizes them as "crazy" and "proud" and urges us to remember their sacrifice.

        The final stanza serves as a reminder to never forget the soldiers who selflessly laid down their lives for the nation. The poet's heartfelt tribute to these brave soldiers inspires us to honor their memory and to always remember the sacrifices they made for our country. The last line of each stanza, "जो शहीद हुये हैं उनकी, ज़रा याद करो कुर्बानी" is being repeated, by which emphasis not to forget those soldiers who selflessly laid down their lives for the nation. 

Here I have attached the whole video song sang by Lata Mangeshkar with vivid pictures.

Let's sum up....

             Thus, this patriotic song "ऐ मेरे वतन के लोगों" can be considered in the category of war poem. This song can also be compared to the poem 'Dulce et Decorum Est" by Wilfred Owen

         Both "Aye Mere Watan Ke Logo" and "Dulce et Decorum Est" express the pain and horror of war. In "Dulce et Decorum Est," Owen describes the reality of soldiers dying in gas attacks and exposes the lie that it is sweet and fitting to die for one's country.

            To analyse this song in context to the war poem is a great learning lesson for me.

Thanks for visiting....

{Words: 1300

Images: 1

Videos: 1}

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