Thursday, March 4, 2021

The age of Romanticism (1800-1850)

 The second creative period of Romantic literature:-


                    The first half of the 19th  century records the triumph of Romanticism in literature and of democracy in government which are the two essential part of this particular age. The chief subject of Romantic literature was essential nobleness of common men and the value of the individual.

                  This age also called by the name, "The age of revolution" because of its great historic movements become intelligent only when we read what was written in this period.

The chief of objects were...

  • The French revolution
  • The American Commonwealth
  • The establishment of a true democracy in England by Reform Bill of 1832

             This were the inevitable results of ideas which literature had spread rapidly through the civilized world. The second thing is that the liberty is fundamentally an ideal, beautiful, compelling- by a multitude of books and pamphlets and also by two works, which are...

  1. Burns's poems
  2. Thomas Paine's Right of Man

              All read this eagerly by the common people, all proclaiming the dignity of common life and uttering the same passionate cry against every form of class or cast oppression. The thing that how literature plays an important roll in the political progress is seems very wonderful which are...

   Dream - Ideal human soul, written word which proclaims it and impresses other minds with it's truth and beauty - United and determined effort of a men to make the dream a reality.

Historical summary :-

              The period of Romanticism begins in the latter half of reign of George III and ends with the accession of Victoria in 1837. In November, 1783 king George entered in house of Lord and proclaimed the Independence of the United States of America, the triumph of free government by free men. Though it was not till 1832, when the reform bill became the law of land.

             The period had one of great turmoil and the storm center of political unrest was the French revolution, which proclaimed the natural rights of man. This asserting the precept of liberty, equality and fraternity. The fight between old led by Burke and new England led by Pitt happened because the misleading of Burke. But it's blessings in disguise that the sudden zeal for Fighting a foreign nation is generally called Patriotism.

           The cause of this revolution were not political but economic. By the invention in steel and machinery and also by her Monopoly of carrying trade, England had became workshop of the world and wealth  had grew up. Machinery dispossessed employment of the skilled hand workers. This make the distinctions that the nobles, landowners, manufacturer lived in increasing luxury while common man or labours sent their wives and children into the mines and factories were 16th hour's labour would hardly pay for the daily bread. This kind of economic conditions had the parallel with the two books, 1. Adam Smith's Wealth of Nation and 2. Thomas Paine's Right of Man.

                All these dangers, passed away when England turned from the affairs of France to cure her own economic conditions. After the long continental war, in 1815, England turned to the work of reform at home and a few reforms mark the progress of civilization in a single half century which are...

  • Destruction of the American slave trade
  • The mitigation of unjust law
  • The prevention of child labour
  • The freedom of the press 
  • The extension of manhood suffrage
  • The abolition of restrictions against Catholics in parliament
  • Establishment at hundreds of popular schools, under the leadership of Andrew Bell and Joseph Lancaster

               And finally, in 1833 England proclaimed the liberty of all slaves.


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