
"You can have brilliant ideas, but if you can't get them across, your ideas won't get you anywhere". -Lee Lacocca.

Click here to visit my blog on Objectives of Presentations and Bloom's Taxonomy

Presentations Semester 1:-

Paper no. 101:- Literature of Elizabethan and Restoration period

Paper no. 102:- Literature of the Neo classical Period

Paper no. 103:- Literature of the Romantics

Paper no. 104:- Literature of the Victorians

Paper no. 1o5:- History of English Literature - From 1300 to 1900

Presentations Semester 2:-

Presentations Semester 3:-

Presentations Semester 4:-

Paper no. 206: The African Literature

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Objectives of Communication

Objectives of Communication The objective of communication is to transmit the message with meaning and understanding. It is the purpose of t...