Friday, April 30, 2021

Dadaism in English literature


               Dadaism was a movment of young artists and writers in Peris during and after first world war. It aimed at suppressing relationship between ideas and statement. An absolute freedom held meeting at bar and theatres and delivered itself of numerous non-sensical and semi-nonsensical manifestos. It was meant to signify everything and nothing. It became popular in Peris immediately after the first world war. Nothing was the basic word in vocabulary of Dadaism. 

           In art and literature manifestos of this esthetic were mostly collage effects. The arrangement of unrelated objects and word in a random fashion. Dada artists felt the war called into question every aspect of a society capable of starting and then prolonging it- including its art. Their aim was to destroy traditional values in art and to creat a new art to replace the old. It was opposed to form an order.  

            The artists and poets who followed Dadaism, used collage to arrange objects and words into meaningless and illogical pattern. 

              The word Dada is accidentally discovered by Hugo Ball that mean is wooden horse. Dadaism was founded in ZURICH  in 1960 by Tristan Tsara - chef spokesman and theoretician with about the object of poverty and demolishing the tenets of art, philosophy and logic and substituting them with conscious madness as protest against madness of war.

           It moved between fantacy and destruction and its influence spread from London to Newyork. It was influenced by Futurism. 


  • Manifestos
  • Simultaneous poems, noise, music
  • provocative public spectacles 
...all these were borrowed from futurists and stood as an image of a Dissolution with seemed the central fact of modern existence.

         After analysing Dadaism we can observe some salient features of it, Which are...

  • A result of the despair, alienation and frustration of the war
  • Dada Manifesto 1918
  • Also originated from a sense a a disgust and a spirit of protest against the static ana smug establishment
  • Basically a nihilistic movement 
  • Poet wrote non-vertical verse
  • Imagination to be freed of the tyranny of pre-conception and reasons 

  • According to the movement "THERE IS NOTHING IMPOTANT IN THE WORLD"
  • Intended to outrage and scandalize
  • Later on culminated in surrealism

  DADA artists:-
  • Marcel Duchamp
  • Picasso
  • Chirico
  • Andre Breton
  • Max Ennest
  • Louis Dragon

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