Monday, March 22, 2021

The chief Poets or Writer in particular age in English literature

  1. The Anglo-Saxon or old English period ( 450-1050)

First Poetry in English literature:- Beowulf

Other poems:- 

The seafarer

The fight St Finns Burgh



1.Saint Bede the Venerable

2. Cademon

3. Cynewulf

4. Alfred

2. Anglo-Norman period(1066-1350)


1. Geoffrey

2. Layamon

3. The age of Chaucer (1350-1400)


1. Goffery Chaucer

2. William Langland

3. John Wycliffe

4. John Mandeville

4. The Revival of learning (1400-1550)


1. Wyatt 

2. Surrey

3. Sir Thomas Malory

5. The age of Elizabeth (1550-1620)

Non- Dramatic poets:-

1. Edmund Spenser:-

2. Thomas Sackville

3. Philip Sidney

4. George Chapman

5. Michael Drayton



1. Christopher Marlowe

2. Ben Johnson

3. Beaumont and Fletcher

4. John Webster

5. Thomas Middleton

6. Thomas Heywood

7. Thomas Dekker

8. Massinger, Ford and Shirley

Prose writers:-

1. Frances Bacon

2. Richard Hooker

3. Sidney and Raleigh

4. Cademon and Knox

5. Hakluyt and Purchase

6. Thomas North

6. The Puritan age(1620-1660)

Main writer of this age:- John Milton

Transition poets:- Daniel

Song writers:- Campion and Breton

The SPENSERIAN poets:- Withers, Giles and Fletcher

Metaphysical poets:- John Dinner and George Herbert

The cavalier poets:- Herrick, Carew, Lovelace and Suckling

Prose writers:-

1. John Bunyan

2. Thomas Browne

3. Thomas Fuller

4. Jeremy Taylor

5. Richard Baxter

6. Izzaki Walton

7. The restoration age(1660-1700)

Main writer:- John Dryden

1. Samuel Butler
2. Hobbes and Locke
3. Evelyn and Pepys

8. Eighteenth century literature (1700-1800)

Main writer:- Alexander Pope

1. Jonathan Swift
2. Joseph Addison
3. Samuel Johnson
4. Edmund Burke
5. Edward Gibbon


1. Thomas Gray
2. Thomas Goldsmith
3. William Cowper
4. Robbert Burns
5. William Black

Minor poets:-

1. James Thomson
2. William Collins
3. George Crabbe
4. James MacPherson


1. Deniel Defoe
2. Samual Richardson
3. Henry Fielding:- father of English novel
4. Smollett and sterne

9. The age of Romanticism (1800-1850)


1. William Wordsworth

2. Samuel Taylor
3. Robert Southey
4. Walter Scott
5. George Gordon, Lord Byron
6. Percy Bysshe Shelley
7. John Keats

Prose writers:- 

1. Charles Lamb
2. Thomas De Quincy
3. Jane Austen
4. Walter Savage Landor

10. The Victorian age(1850-1900)

Main writer :- Alfred Tennyson


1. Robert Browning
2. Elizabeth Barrett
3. Rossetti
4. Morrie's
5. Swinberne


Main novelist:- Charles Dickens

1. William Makepeace Thackeray
2. Mary Ann Evans, George Eliot
3. Charles Throllope
4. Bulwer Lytton
5. Kingsley
6. Mrs. Gaskell
7. Blackmore
8. Meredith
9. Hardy
10. Stevenson


1. Thomas Babington Macaulay
2. Thomas Carlyle
3. John Ruskin
4. Matthew Arnold
5. John Henry Newman


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