Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Trends and Movements

 Thinking Activity

Trends and movements

          This blog is written as a part of the thinking activity assigned by Yesha ma'am on the Trends and Movements in Literary and other art form. In this blog I am going to discuss Surrealism, Dadaism and Expressionism with the insight of the classroom activities and these three creative arts created by me and I will also try to analyse and explain each of the arts created by me.


        Surrealism is a movement of art and literature which was founded by the poet and critic Andre Breton in 19224. It became popular in 1920s ad lasted till 1940s. Andre Breton published the "Manifesto of Surrealism" in 1924 where he has explained this new movement in detail. It was a movement which was mainly inspired by the phycho-analytical theories by Sigmund Freud.

Click here to visit my blog on surrealism 

Surreal Photography:-

 My Surreal drawings:-

This drawing is drawn by me in the classroom which was a task given by ma'am. This particular image is not based on my idea rather I have taken this image from the internet.

           This is a picture drawn by me where I have merged many things together to make the images meaningful. So, i will describe it step by step. First I have taken images of tea cup that we consume everyday. I have compared tea with our day to day lives and with the pouring tea out of a cup symbolises flow of our day to day lives. I have drawn images of a watch on a floating biscuit in the flaw of tea which symbolises that time is moving fast everyday. With the scene I have put an image of an upside down tower on which a man is standing and holding a time biscuit. Like we sometimes think that may time will stop at someplace or other interpretation can be seen that time may move slowly which gives us space to do a lot of things together.
              On the upper side I have exhausted the sun. The sun is also exhausted by its daily walk from east to west. We as human beings often feel such exhaustion because we do only one thing everyday. Our life has become mechanical which moves only in a single direction. On the down side you can see an image of goggles out of which eyes are looking at the outer scenario. This symbolises that on one hand some people try to manage their work with time whereas other people let time flow by simply looking at it and doing nothing. They are always on leisure, never on work. They don't have any concern about what is happening around them. 

        So this is what I have put in this drawing.

Dadaism :- 

Click here to visit my blog on Dadaism

             Dadaism was a movment of young artists and writers in Peris during and after first world war. It aimed at suppressing relationship between ideas and statement. An absolute freedom held meeting at bar and theatres and delivered itself of numerous non-sensical and semi-nonsensical manifestos. It was meant to signify everything and nothing. It became popular in Peris immediately after the first world war. Nothing was the basic word in vocabulary of Dadaism. 

           In art and literature manifestos of this esthetic were mostly collage effects. The arrangement of unrelated objects and word in a random fashion. Dada artists felt the war called into question every aspect of a society capable of starting and then prolonging it- including its art. Their aim was to destroy traditional values in art and to creat a new art to replace the old. It was opposed to form an order.  

        The word Dada is accidentally discovered by Hugo Ball that mean is wooden horse. Dadaism was founded in ZURICH in 1960 by Tristan Tsara - chef spokesman and theoretician with about the object of poverty and demolishing the tenets of art, philosophy and logic and substituting them with conscious madness as protest against madness of war.

My work on Dadaism:-

As a part of creating any Dada art I have selected to create a Dada poem, which is generally created out of newspaper clippings and other words, where we have to select random words unknowingly. So I have used newspaper Clippings. My poem contains ten lines.

Dada poem:-

Almost mind message from our positivity

Is tomorrow the emotions see how

Sacred the mountain world quickly

I in transform beyond light going

Of a Same will which 

We year common the people have

Around more there are the remembering world

The faction about taken home

Understand the tree to speaking up

You toward moon ever.

Let's try to interpret this poem..

Our mind always gives a message to be positive as we always have problems and confusions.. In the second and third line this positivity is enhanced as it says that emotions are like a sacred mountain world though it is static but it gives so many emotions together. 

       In the letter three lines I can be interpreted as a speaker who tries to convey that everything is going the same. We all have a similar year or time but how we are getting transformation in our own personality is very much important.

       The last four lines give the essence of the upper six lines. We have so many people around us who are constantly watching us or remembering everything(our transformation also). Here, in the eighth line the word fiction can be interpreted for things which are described in previous lines about remembering habits of the world. And we take all this thing at our 'home' means in 'our mind'. But on the other hand in this scenario to interpret last second line is a bit difficult where it said that we have to understand the tree - here tree and fraction can be categorised in a single category which is used as a metaphor for collectivity of the people- and try to speak up of the misconception of the world and continue to have changes within oneself which can lead you towards the moon means towards peace and satisfaction forever.

Central idea:-

       Dadaism is a kind of Destructive art where we collage various things together. Though this poem is not based on a particular idea as it was created with random words, we can get a Central idea of the poet by simply looking at it. 

       As per my interpretation of my own poem the Central idea or theme is to be possible in each and every aspect of our life. We come across so many perspectives of people it can be good or sometimes disturbing. So we have to come up with our own voice, our own perspectives and let others know what other think. Sometimes we have to just ignore them. So both of these ways lead you toward happiness forever.


          Expressionism is a modernist movement, initially in poetry and painting, originating in Northern Europe around the beginning of the 20th century. Expressionism developed as an Avant Garde style - started before World war I (1914-1918). Later the movement was attributed to literature, theatre, dance, film, music, etc.

         The main aim of expressionism is to express inner world subjectivity, emotions rather than the external world and the physical reality. The term refers to an "artistic style in which the artist seeks to depict not objective reality but rather the subjective emotions and responses that objects and events arouse within a person". Expressionism is the tendency of an artist to distort reality for an emotional effect. This term refers to imitating reproducing or repeating existence. 

Classwork on Expressionism:-

My work - Mountains and water coming down

           This is the painting created by sem 2 students on the Viewboard with the help of various colours including ma'am. I have drawn an image of a mountain from which the flow of water is coming down. I have drawn this with the above drawn image of expression and with the front image of a person which i have interpreted as a person in whose mind so many things going together. We all have our own flow of emotions and expressions which arise out of various thought processes. As the flow of a river ultimately meets the Ocean our emotions and expressions meet ultimately to our thoughts and by deep thinking we many a time come to the conclusion why we are thinking of any particular thing or topic and flow of thinking. Here the image of the river is symbolised with the flow of our thoughts.

          I hope by this explanation you will be able to get what as an artist I want to convey. You can have your other interpretations also. And if you have other interpretations, do write in the comment section and let me know how you get the thing out of these three arts.

Click here to visit my blog on Stream of Consciousness

Click here to visit my blog on Theatre of Absurd 

Thanks for visiting...

{Words:- 1487

Images:- 6

Videos:- 1}

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