Saturday, February 27, 2021

Animal Farm by George Orwell


                  Animal Farm is the best known novel as well as satire of George Orwell. The novel has very interesting story about the nature of animal v/s man. At one view, the novel is  a satire on the real political upheaval and Russian revolution in 1917. At another view, it shows the vices of men through the revolution by animal.

                   Old major is 12 year old boar. Here, in the story, the character of old major-prize boar is too important to build the whole revolution. Though he doesn't take any large part in the time period of the story, he is the only person who build the entire plot through his ideas and make animal active towards their miserable life and cruelty of mankind . He is like a spark for revolution.

                    Among the all animals, pigs were very intelligent, So they had the charge of all animals. Among the pigs, this old major is elder. Therefore, he was the leader of animals, but was too near to death. He himself didn't know how long he will survive on the earth. So he wanted to say something to animals before he die. He had to strange dream last night, so he wanted to communicate with their fellow.

                   According to the instruction of Old Major, they all gathered in a big barn after Mr. Jones, the owner of Manor farm go to bed. All animal small and big gathered there with silence and took their sits. After that old major started his speech.

                    The speech of old major begins with the talk about the strange dream which he had last night. But first he wanted to pass such a wisdom which he had through his life. So he talks about the miserable and laborious life of animals. He makes animal know that they are producer of all the thing eggs, milk which are taken from them by the man.  Man forced animal to do work hard till the last atom of the strength. And those who are unable to do work, were sold and slaughtered. No animal in England are free.

                 Reason of their all kind of misery, sum up in a single word - "Man". Perish man from their life, they can be free from all misery. Man is the real enemy they had. Man is the only creature who consumes without produce. So they had to get rid man from the farm. And the only one option is the "Rebellion". Overthrow man to the farm. But after they conquered, they must not come to resemble man.

                  This is the very important thing told by old Major. he said animals that whenever they become victorious, don't adopt vices of man. he gave the duty of enmity towards man and all his ways and also give some principle to distinct man and animal,..

  Whatever goes upon two legs, is an enemy.

Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.

No animal must live in house, or sleep in a bed,or wear clothes, or drink alcohol, or touch money, or engage in trade.

No animal must never tyrannise over their own kind.

All animal are equal.

                   And at last he told about the dream, which he had last night is all about the day when men perish from the Earth. It reminds him the song of his ancestors "beast of England".


                      It shows the maturity of the old pig. He warned animals about the evil thing after conquer. The whole speech introduce him as a wise person in the whole farm.


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