Monday, January 16, 2023

Existentialism: Flipped Learning


This blog is written as a part of Flipped Learning given by Dr. Dilip Barad sir, Department of English, MKBU on Existentialism. For this task sir has given us 10 videos and and some web resources which we have to consider while doing the task. 

Thought that I like the most:

I am attracted towards the video 9 because of it's looking towards existentialism in different perspectives which are useful in our lives. Like

"Suffering is not an enemy."


Which video I like the most? Why?

The very first thing that I like most about initial 5 videos is that while creating explaining particular concept the usage of infographics is well presented. Do the one who come across these videos and if he or she is not able to understand by various explanation, will understand everything by merging infographics and explanation. At the same time these infographics are very much connected to what the video maker with you wants to convey. So for this these videos attracted me the most.

I like video no. 7 the most because in the beginning it makes the point clear what the concept "Existentialism" is not. So understand what it is, it is attracted me the most for the clarifying what it is not. 

I also like video no. 9 for suggesting practicality of Existentialism which the speaker has described first by what Is Existentialism to him and at the end he gives 10 ideas for how to live life more existentially. As per my interpretation giving explanation only may not lead us to live life existentially for that we need practicality and that we can understand by what the speaker is trying explain with his own liking the Existentialism. It can be possible that we may not be agree with what the speaker is saying but we can't even deny what he says. By the explanation of the speaker we can find answers of many questions that arises in our mind. So there the speaker unfolds everything in a simpler way.

Learning Outcome:

              When I started to do this task - in the mode of Flipped Learning, I first thought that it is tough to learn by this way and it was in Initial stage. The reason is that we are addicted to classroom learning and we normally don't pay sufficient attention videos and Web resources at the initial point. 

              But as I moved ahead I come to know that how this mode of learning can help us to ask questions. It give rise to our curiosity. 

                 In this way of learning I am pretty sure about not only knowing but rather understanding what the concept 'Existentialism' actually is. Now I can explain, elaborate as well as can have debate over the concept 'Existentialism'. The most important thing that I have acquired through this Flipped Learning is that I have tried to analyse the questions that arises in my mind.


1. The meaning of This Existentialism is to make our own choice or do what we want. If this meaning is applied to life as an Existentialist belief, can we imagine or even accept this world with this concept? Upto which extent this belief is applicable to our day to day lives?

2. When we understand the concept Existentialism, we may come to know certain things about our existence to which we are not aware of and as a result of it the quest for existence many a time leads us towards Nihilism. So, how can we distinguish Existentialism and Nihilism at that moment?

3. Can we say that Existentialism when it is merged with Nihilism can lead oneself towards the disaster?

4. Dadaism is an absurd form art. Can we consider Dadaism as a part of Existentialism? If yes then can we call Dadaism 'Nihilism'? If not then can we call it 'Essencialism'?

5. Can we say that Existentialism excludes the element 'Hope'? (In the context of Albert Camus' Philosophical Suicide)

6. In the video 'Existentialism for Five', we come to know about the question of existentialism is just simple- to make your own choice - Freedom - It really is?

7. In the video 'Existentialism for Five', we come to know that the question of existentialism is just simple- to make your own choice - Freedom - It only is?

8. What is the concept of 'Leap' in video no. 2?

9. In video 1 it is told that Existentialism attracted young people the most. So why only young? Can we say that these sort of existential quest rises only in young age ?

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