Thursday, November 18, 2021

Planning- a module to improve presentation skills



It pays to plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark.

           Planning is the most important component for business. Lacking in Planning is the key to failure. So the effective planning is always amiable. But, when we are doing so, we face a kind of convenient distraction.

          A presentation should be viewed as a product to be delivered to important customer, audience. So it's going too offering to develop it very carefully with specific requirements. As a beginning to the planning, we get the key points through the TIPS module. We can find many ways to prepare special, offering and convenient presentation, doesn't matter if they are external buyers or internal colleagues. So, here is TIPS module in a very unique content to prepare presentation.

TIPS - A New Approach to International Presentation

T - Getting the Target right

I - Selecting the right Information

P - Organising the Process

S - Knowing your presentation Style


                    The starting point for the effectiveness for any international presenter is to develop sensitivity to their own approach and it's potential consequences for audience. TIPS is an audience centred framework to help to prepare international presentation.

T - Target:-

           Presenters often selet the wrong target or objective. Most make the mistake of thinking that they simply have to give information. In fact, they often need to motivate; to convince to persuade or to listen. So, it becomes too necessary to select the right presentation target to achieve business goals. When we are presenting ourselves to the audience, we have to keep a kind of clarity in target. The opening minutes should be impactful, because clarity in communication make your audience acquainted why the presentation is important for them and how.

 So... Here is an ABC approach, which can be useful to opening presentation.,

★ A - Audience first :- show an understanding of the audiences circumstances

★ B - Be personally involved :- Indentify with your audience personally

★ C - Clear business logic :- Show that the presentation objectives are based on your and their professional needs

          So, it is too necessary to define a target in line with your needs and audience needs. Show personal commitment to meeting needs of audience at the starting of presentation.

I - Information:-

           Communication doesn't mean to transfer simple information. Presenters always face the challenges that their information will be viewed and interpreted in a number of ways by different audience members.

             Sometimes the reaction of presentation become quite mixed, because the various members of the audience have quite different expectations about information. It might satisfy or might disappoint some according to their way of thinking. In international business, we can see, there are significant differences in the way in which information is viewed.

           Selecting the right information level for presentation depends on understanding the different perspectives which international audiences have about "information". To select information, we need to know what they think about four key areas:

  1. Analysis
  2. Hierarchy
  3. Group
  4. Openness 

★ Analysis:- 

   The first thing is to balance action and analysis. Moving too quickly to action will be understood by some audience as un professional. However, presenting too much data for the purpose of analysis will irritate many other audience and could reduce commitment to proposal.

★ Hierarchy:-

   For business, it is very necessary to know how to make or present the presentation. In hierarchical context it is important not to overstep authority, particularly when analysing bed results or making recommendations for change.

★ Group:-

  Presenter should not be tooindividualistic, because it can tend to give information in form of strong personal opinions. Instead they may prefer to stress the "we" and be more invisible as a personality when presenting data to avoid accusations of self promotion.

★ Openness:-

   Presenters who use language such as must,can't or impossible may be seen as persuasive, powerful or competent professionals, it may be seen as lack of openness, particularly during the discussion of more controversial issue. Selecting the right information "packaging" is a key to presentation success.

P - Process:-

                  A presentation can be viewed as a kind of process, with specific steps, each having to be managed effectively for the presentation to be successful. Presenters have to make sure basic logistics are in place at the venue to avoid technical disaster. So logistic plan is more erquirable. Presenters have to leave no doubt about technical needs. Go through in plenty of time to test equipment.

          All presentations have a beginning, a middle and an ending. For a presentation to run smoothly, international presenters need to manage five critical process factors correctly.,

  1. The involvement factor
  2. The organisation factor
  3. Personal factor
  4. Language factor
  5. Non - verbal facto
                    The presentation doesn't stop as audience applause dies down. Often this when the really hard work begins to get your ideas implemented, to track the change which you have recommended or simply to consolidate new relationship in the larger term.

S - Style:-

        The final element of presentation plan is to know your own personal communication style. The first element is to analyse your own communication style. The second element is national stereotypes and communication style. The second step is quite dangerous, but they provides useful ideas about communication style. Many professionals takle it by opely discussing the issue in order to make style more transparent to others.

            Across cultures politeness can mean very different things. Sociologists have identified two important types of politeness.,

1. Positive politeness :-

   It means we communicate that we like the person we are talking to: we smile, we change our behaviour, we ask a lots of questions to show interest and engagement with the person.

2. Negative politeness:-

   It means equally polite, means being more reserved, talking less, giving the other person more space and time. It is more important to just be youself.


                   Thus, the planning for the presentation becomes too essential to make an impact in presentation by TIPS module. It is the module which is used before planning the presentation to make it strong and powerful.

Thanks for visiting..

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