Friday, March 4, 2022

Middle English period (A.D. 1100 to 1500)


         The middle English period is about AD 1100 to 1500. In 1066, there was Norman invasion and conquest. By 1100 the Normans had strengthen their power and their language was beginning to influence the native Saxon tongue. 

Salient features of Middle English period:-

‣  The conquest of England in 1066 by William of Normandy, which have great influence on the language of the country.

‣ Till the date England had been more or less up your tongue with sprinkling of Latin, Celtic and Danish words. But henceforth it becomes more definitely hybrid language. For that we need to correct to misconceptions.,

1. In the first place we must realise that the English had come in contact with French even before normal invasions, which influence had begin in in the time of Athelred in 1002, who had married a French princess. His son brought up in France. When he returned to England he brought with him many friends friends and courtiers. He reigned from 1042 to 1066. He had spent 25 years of his life in Normandy and his friends were Normandy. So, Norman-French have spoken in England from 1042 onwards.

2. The second misconception which must be corrected concerns the relation between William and his new people. It was taught that the conqueror was an oppressive ruler. He persecuted Saxon vassals to Normanise the country. But it is far from the truth. He actually attempted to re council his new subjects.  There is no evidence to show that he attempted in anyway to interfere with language. It is a normal and natural process.

‣ As a result of it, two languages English and Norman French words spoken side by side. The mixture of these two languages is known as the Middle English. The process was completed about 1300, it is also significant that resultant language was still predominantly Saxon one. The truth is that, though normans were the ruling class, were a small minority. The evolution of middle English was actually the increasing recognition by them of the native language, which tended more and more absorb words and elements from the Norman French.

★ Chief reasons of its continuity:-

     The two chief reasons of its continuity is that.,

  1. The natural and inevitable intercourse between the two sections of community.
  2. Intermarriage between them.

‣ In 1362, English replaced French as a language of the law courts. There was an increasing tendency in grammar schools into English. Just same as anglo-saxon times, the dialect of Wessex attended to the position of a kind of standard, so gradually one dialect came to occupy the similar position in English, namely that of the East Midlands. The chief reasons of the spreading of this dialect is.,

  • East Midland language spoken in and around London which was centre of English life.
  • Oxford and Cambridge also use it; hence it becomes the language of scholarship.
  • Caxton printed his earliest book in this dialect.
            So, by 1450 English had became synonyms with East Midland. 
          In studying evolution of our language during middle English period there are four different aspects which we have to consider.,
  1. Grammatical changes
  2. Changes in pronunciation
  3. Changes in spelling
  4. Changes in and additions to the vocabulary


1 comment:

  1. Plz make blog on four deferent aspects of changes... Middle English Language


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