Sunday, November 21, 2021

Indian English literature



                      Indo-anglian literature is not essentially different in kind from Indian literature. It is a modern facet of that Glory which, commencing from the Vedas has continued to spread its mellow light with greater and lesser billions under the inexorable vicissitudes of time and  history. 

                       It is a literature which is combination of Indian literature and Indian English literature. Indian English literature refers to the body of work by writers in India who write in English and whose native or co-native language could be one of the numerous languages of India. It is also associated with the works of members of Indian diaspora.

                     Indian writing in English is greatly influenced by writing in England, "Romanticism" "Victorians", "Georgians" and "Modernists". But in its own way Indo anglian literature has contributed to the common pool of world writing in English. K. R. Srinivasa quoted in his book, the Indian contribution to English literature, that;

The best Indo- anglian poets have given us something which neither English poetry nor any of our regional literatures can give. In other words they have effected a true marriage of Indian processes of poetic experience with English formula of Verse expression.

            Indo- anglian literature has an appeal to Indians and to English man as well. Sometimes it is called that one can't write first class in a learned language. Indian writers sometime suffered from that, but it is not true at all, because Indian writers give glory to the English literature.

Development of an Indo-anglian literature:-

            The seeds of Indian writing was sown during the period of the British rule in India. Now the seed has blossomed into an evergreen tree, fragrant flowers and ripe fruits. Indian English literature continuous to reflect Indian culture, tradition, social values and even Indian history. Indian writing in English is one of the voices in which India speaks. It is a new voice, no doubt, but it is as much Indian as the others. As the late C. R. Reddy pointed out in the course of his forward on Indo anglian literature;

Indo anglian literature is not essentially different kind from Indian literature. It is a part of it, a modern face at of that Lori which, commencing from the Vedas, has continued to spread its mellow light, now with greater and lesser brilliance under the inexorable vicissitudes of time and history, ever increasingly up to the present time of Tagore, Iqbal and Aurobindo Ghosh and bids fair to expand with our and humanity's expanding future.

              Its early history begin with the works of Henry Louis Vivian Derozio and Michael Madhusudan Dutta, followed by Rabindranath Tagore and Sri Aurobindo, R. K. Narayan, Mulk Raj Anand and Raja Rao, contributed to the growth and popularity of Indian English fiction in the 1930s. It is also associated in the some cases with the works of members of Indian diaspora, who subsequently compose works in English.

            The first book written by an Indian in English was "The travels of Dean Mahomet" a travel narrative by Sake Dean Mahomed. In it's early stage, Indian English literature was influenced by the Western novel.

             Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay wrote "Rajmohan's wife"; it is the first Indian novel written in English. "Bianca" or "The young Spanish maiden" by Toru Dutt, was the first novel written by an Indian women.

              The non-fictional body of prose works, consisting of letters, diaries, political manifesto, articles, speeches, philosophical works etc. in Indian English literature of the 19th and the early 20th century, is rich and varied. The speeches of Swami Vivekananda, Rabindranath Tagore, Chittranjan Das, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Mahatma Gandhi and Subhash Chandra Bose, to name only a few, shaped the destiny of modern Indian and also destiny of English language in India. Gandhiji's Indian home rule or Hindu Swaraj was written in an indigenous and variety of the English language and challenged successfully the harmony of standard English even before RK Narayan mulk Raj Anand and Raja Rao.

          Raja Rao, Indian philosopher and writer, authored Kanthapura and The Serpent and the Rope, which are Indian in terms of their story telling qualities. Rabindranath Tagore wrote in Bengali and English and was responsible for the translations of his own works in English. Dhan Gopal Mukherji was the first Indian author to win a literary award in the United States. R. K. Narayan contributed over many decades and continued to write till his death.

            Mulk Raj Anand, Raja Rao and R. K. Narayan Wardha novelist who stabilized and fortified the Indian English fiction with their ample work and unique style. It is also remarkable that the theme and technique of novel in Indian literature during this period found based on social upset, poverty, untouchability, exploitation, social movement, political movement etc.

              The contribution of women writers can not go unnoticed. In fact the works of women writers constitute a major segment of the contemporary Indian writing in English. Among women writers Sarojini Naidu ,the great poetess termed the readers with her writing. Feminism themes have also been used by others like Nayantara Sahgal and Rama Mehta. Regional fiction theme has been used by Kamala Das, Anita Nair and Susan Viswanathan. Novelists like Kamla Markandaya and Anita Desai captured the spirit of Indian culture and its traditional values.

              English has acquired rare privilege and popularity in India especially among the elite and the middle classes. It is increasingly being used by writers to give shape to the the conflicting dilemmas and issues that confronts the human psyche. It has definitely become a convenient medium to express the intrinsic talent of the writer. Moreover, Indian English writers use it with enviable ease and gaining mastery of a foreign tongue to articulate the vagaries and vicissitudes of an individual's consciousness in a realm of its own aptly substantiate the expansiveness and verse of the Indian English writer.


                To conclude, during one and half or two centuries, Indian writing in English began and spread its influence throughout whole world of English literature. Authors make use of Indian phrases alongside English words and have tried to reproduce a blend of the Indian and the Western cultures.

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Thursday, November 18, 2021

Planning- a module to improve presentation skills



It pays to plan ahead. It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark.

           Planning is the most important component for business. Lacking in Planning is the key to failure. So the effective planning is always amiable. But, when we are doing so, we face a kind of convenient distraction.

          A presentation should be viewed as a product to be delivered to important customer, audience. So it's going too offering to develop it very carefully with specific requirements. As a beginning to the planning, we get the key points through the TIPS module. We can find many ways to prepare special, offering and convenient presentation, doesn't matter if they are external buyers or internal colleagues. So, here is TIPS module in a very unique content to prepare presentation.

TIPS - A New Approach to International Presentation

T - Getting the Target right

I - Selecting the right Information

P - Organising the Process

S - Knowing your presentation Style


                    The starting point for the effectiveness for any international presenter is to develop sensitivity to their own approach and it's potential consequences for audience. TIPS is an audience centred framework to help to prepare international presentation.

T - Target:-

           Presenters often selet the wrong target or objective. Most make the mistake of thinking that they simply have to give information. In fact, they often need to motivate; to convince to persuade or to listen. So, it becomes too necessary to select the right presentation target to achieve business goals. When we are presenting ourselves to the audience, we have to keep a kind of clarity in target. The opening minutes should be impactful, because clarity in communication make your audience acquainted why the presentation is important for them and how.

 So... Here is an ABC approach, which can be useful to opening presentation.,

★ A - Audience first :- show an understanding of the audiences circumstances

★ B - Be personally involved :- Indentify with your audience personally

★ C - Clear business logic :- Show that the presentation objectives are based on your and their professional needs

          So, it is too necessary to define a target in line with your needs and audience needs. Show personal commitment to meeting needs of audience at the starting of presentation.

I - Information:-

           Communication doesn't mean to transfer simple information. Presenters always face the challenges that their information will be viewed and interpreted in a number of ways by different audience members.

             Sometimes the reaction of presentation become quite mixed, because the various members of the audience have quite different expectations about information. It might satisfy or might disappoint some according to their way of thinking. In international business, we can see, there are significant differences in the way in which information is viewed.

           Selecting the right information level for presentation depends on understanding the different perspectives which international audiences have about "information". To select information, we need to know what they think about four key areas:

  1. Analysis
  2. Hierarchy
  3. Group
  4. Openness 

★ Analysis:- 

   The first thing is to balance action and analysis. Moving too quickly to action will be understood by some audience as un professional. However, presenting too much data for the purpose of analysis will irritate many other audience and could reduce commitment to proposal.

★ Hierarchy:-

   For business, it is very necessary to know how to make or present the presentation. In hierarchical context it is important not to overstep authority, particularly when analysing bed results or making recommendations for change.

★ Group:-

  Presenter should not be tooindividualistic, because it can tend to give information in form of strong personal opinions. Instead they may prefer to stress the "we" and be more invisible as a personality when presenting data to avoid accusations of self promotion.

★ Openness:-

   Presenters who use language such as must,can't or impossible may be seen as persuasive, powerful or competent professionals, it may be seen as lack of openness, particularly during the discussion of more controversial issue. Selecting the right information "packaging" is a key to presentation success.

P - Process:-

                  A presentation can be viewed as a kind of process, with specific steps, each having to be managed effectively for the presentation to be successful. Presenters have to make sure basic logistics are in place at the venue to avoid technical disaster. So logistic plan is more erquirable. Presenters have to leave no doubt about technical needs. Go through in plenty of time to test equipment.

          All presentations have a beginning, a middle and an ending. For a presentation to run smoothly, international presenters need to manage five critical process factors correctly.,

  1. The involvement factor
  2. The organisation factor
  3. Personal factor
  4. Language factor
  5. Non - verbal facto
                    The presentation doesn't stop as audience applause dies down. Often this when the really hard work begins to get your ideas implemented, to track the change which you have recommended or simply to consolidate new relationship in the larger term.

S - Style:-

        The final element of presentation plan is to know your own personal communication style. The first element is to analyse your own communication style. The second element is national stereotypes and communication style. The second step is quite dangerous, but they provides useful ideas about communication style. Many professionals takle it by opely discussing the issue in order to make style more transparent to others.

            Across cultures politeness can mean very different things. Sociologists have identified two important types of politeness.,

1. Positive politeness :-

   It means we communicate that we like the person we are talking to: we smile, we change our behaviour, we ask a lots of questions to show interest and engagement with the person.

2. Negative politeness:-

   It means equally polite, means being more reserved, talking less, giving the other person more space and time. It is more important to just be youself.


                   Thus, the planning for the presentation becomes too essential to make an impact in presentation by TIPS module. It is the module which is used before planning the presentation to make it strong and powerful.

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Monday, November 8, 2021

The Organs of the Speech


                         Linguistic is a systematic study of language. Phonetic is a branch of linguistic and it is the branch dealing with the medium of speech. It deals with the  production, transmission and reception of the sounds of human speech. For the speech sounds, various organs of our body works. It is called "Organs of Speech"

                        "The air that we breath out comes out of the lungs. Before it gets into outer atmosphere, various organs in our body convert it into speech sound. These are called as the Organ of the speech."

                All the organs of speech not only work for the production of speech, but also do the other work as well. The lungs, the vocal cords, the tongue, the teeth and the lips are some of the organs that described commonly in phonetic as a organs of speech. The lungs are necessary for breathing, the vocal cords shut tightly and thus prevent food from entering the windpipe, the tongue is used for differentiating tastes, the tooth are used for chewing food and so on. 
               The organs of speech can be divided into three groups:-
  1. The Respiratory system
  2. The Phonatory system
  3. The Articulatory system
 1. The Respiratory system:-          

             The Respiratory system contains the Lungs, the Muscles of the chest and the Windpipe (Trachea). 

2. The Phonatory system:-

         The Phonatory system contains the Larynx.
       The Larynx is called "Adam's Apple", situated at the top of the windpipe. The air from the lungs has to come out through the windpipe and the larynx. In the larynx, are situated two lip like structure, called the vocal cords. These are placed horizontally from the front to back. They are attached in front and can be separated at the back.

       The vocal cords can be opened and closed and when two cords come very close to each other, the glottis will be shut completely. In fact when we swallow food or water, the vocal cords shut the glottis and thus prevents food or water from entering the windpipe.

             When we breath in and out, the vocal cords are drawn wide and thus the glottis is open. The air enters the lungs or gets out of the lungs through the wide open glottis. When we produce some speech sounds, the vocal cords are wide apart and the glottis is open. Such sounds produced with wide-open glottis are called "Voiceless sounds or Breathed sounds". The first sound in the english words Peel, Ten, Keen, Chin, Fine, Thin, Shine and Hat are voiceless sounds.

                During the production of certain speech sounds, the vocal cords are loosely held together and pressure of the air from lungs makes them open and close rapidly. This is called Vibration of the vocal cords. When the sound produced when vocal cords vibrate are called "Voiced sounds".  All the sounds in the english words Bead, Deed, Girl, Judge, Vine, Then, Zoo, Measure, Need, Wing, Red, Yard and Well are Voiced sounds.

               The vibration of vocal cords is important for another factor, too. The rate at which the vocal cords vibrate is called "Frequency of vibration of vocal cords" and this determines the Pitch of the voice.
             We can decide whether the sound is voiced or voiceless by having one or two simple experiments. If we produce a sound and place our fingers lightly on the Adam's Apple, during its production our fingers feel the vibration of vocal cords, the sound produced is voiced sound. If the produced is voiceless, our fingers will feel nothing.
For instance; 
                If we produce a prolonged SSSSS (prolonged hissing sound) with our fingers on Adam's apple. Then if we say prolonged ZZZZZ (prolonged buzzing sound), during the production of ZZZZZ, our fingers will feel vibration of vocal cords. They will feel no such thing during the production of SSSSS. The hissing sound is voiceless and the buzzing sound is voiced. 

3. The Articulatory System:-
              The Articulatory system comprises the teeth ridge, the hard palate, the soft palate and uvula.
              The convex body part of the roof of the mouth which is lies immediately behind the upper front teeth is called the Teeth ridge. It is also called the Alveolar ridge or Alveolum. Immediately after the teeth ridge, the roof of mouth becomes concave and it is hard and bony. This bony concave surface is called the Hard-palate. The roof of mouth then suddenly becomes soft and fleshy. This is called the Soft-palate or the Velum. The fleshy structure hanging loose at the extreme end of the roof of the mouth, which is called the Uvula.
Oral sounds:-

                    The soft palate acts like a valve in opening and closing nasal passage of air. If the soft palate is raised therefore it touches the back wall of pharynx, thus the nasal passage of air is completely blocked. The air than can't escape through the nose. During production of the sounds, if the air escape through the mouth are called Oral sounds. All the sounds in English words Peel, Bag, Saw, Date and Bush are oral sounds. The closure of nasal passage of air by raising the velum is called Velic closure.

Nasal sounds:-

                  If the soft palate is lowered, the passage of the air opens into the nose is opened. If the passage of the air into mouth is blocked, the air from the lungs will escape into the outer atmosphere only through the nose. During the production of sounds, if the air escape only through the nose is called Nasal sounds. The sounds in the English words Sum, Sung and Sun are Nasal sounds. By lowering the soft palate, there is a valic opening and thus the nasal passage is opened.

Nasalised sounds:-

           There are certain sounds, during articulation of that soft palate is lowered and there is opening of nasal passage of air. But oral passage of air is not blocked and therefore both the nasal and oral passage are open. The air from the lungs then escape simultaneously through the nose and the mouth. Such sounds are called nasalised sounds. Last sound in the French word Ban(good) and the vowel in Hindi words like आँख(eye) and ऊंट(camel) are the examples of nasalised sounds.

                  To assure, whether the sound is nasal or oral, we can block the nostrils while articulating the sound. If the sound stops, the sound is Nasal. If we can continue to produce the sound even after blocking the nostrils, the sound is Oral. Prolonged SSSS sound is Oral sound and prolonged MMMM sound is Nasal sound.

                    Thus, the speech sound includes various organs of our body. Through the function of the organs, we can produce speech sounds. All these are responsible for the various speech sounds in every language in a different ways.

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