Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Peacock as a satirist at the point of view of R. J. Rees

Thomas Love Peacock:-

             Thomas Love Peacock grew up in the air of romantic revival. There were three things in the Romantic view of life which Peacock thought absurd when carried to extremes:

2. Found particularly in Coleridge and Wordsworth, which presents vague philosophical idea of pantheism. It describes that God and Nature are the same. Poets and thinkers draw their inspiration from the Nature.

2. An exaggerated love of the medieval and the supernatural of Mrs. Radcliffe and Scott.

3. Peacock noticed the passion for "reforming the world" in his contemporaries Shelley, Godwin, Bentham and J. S. Mill.

         Peacock was old-fashioned and reactionary in his views. He often make fun of the excesses of reformers.

         Peacock wrote his satire in the form of novels; but his novels are very different from what is usually understood by the word.

The Short Story - General introduction


        Short story generally means ''A story which is short''. Short story is a form or genre having rules its own. One of the most successful short story writer of our time, H. E. Bates wrote,

The basis of almost every argument or conclusion I can make the axiom that short story  can  be anything that the author decides it shall be. 

          The shortest of short stories may be no more than a page or two in length; some short stories run to over a hundred pages like, D. H. Lawernce's St Mawr for instance. It's too impossible to draw a line between the long short story and the short novel. It is sometimes go under the name of 'Novella' for the doubtful examples. The Novella is a different from the genuine short novel in its smaller number of characters, its less varied setting and its simple plot. Let's look at some of the examples of this kind of doubtful writing;

  • Lawrence's tales; like The captain's doll and The virgin and the gipsy
  • Henry James's The turn of the screw 
  • Maugham's Rain                                                                                                                                           
H. G. Wells himself was a master of the short story teller's art, says that,

A short story is, or should be a simple thing; it aims at producing one single vivid effect; it has seize the attention at the outset, and never relaxing, get it together the more and more until the climates it reached. The limits of the human capacity to attend closely therefore set limit to it; it must explode and finish before interruption occurs or fatigue sets in.

      According to critics and historian, in the short story there is something new - a product of the 19th century and the first half of the twentieth.


Saturday, May 21, 2022

Reality and sincerity by F. R. Leavis

★ Introduction:-

                   Literary criticism occupies its own position along with literary creations. I. A. Richards, Leavis, Eliot, and many critics have established "New criticism". F. R. Leavis has the lasting effect on English literary criticism. His ideas are welcomed widely on practical criticism. In the present essay he has proved his excellence as a critic. The essay"Reality and Sincerity" is written by F. R. Leavis. According to him this essay came into existence to established an order of preference of three poems.

★  About critic:-

Born:- 14 July, 1895

Died:- 14 April, 1978

        Frank Raymond Leavis was an English literary critic of the early to made 20th century, who championed seriousness and moral depth in literature and criticized what considered the amateur belletrism of his time.

★ Major Arguments:-

          According to F. R. leavis, this is came into existence by the comparison of three poems, to established an order of reference, which poem should come lowest in order of preference, which are,

  1. Alexander Smith's "Barbara"
  2. Emily Bronte's "Cold in the Earth"
  3. Thomas Hardy's "After a Journey"
            Leavis has given statement that two poems are easy to understand and analyse, but Barbara is slide difficult. The purpose behind this comparison is to understand "why some poems are better than other".

  In the beginning he describes about Alexander Smith's poem Barbara,
★Alexander Smith's Barbara is about irrepable loss. It deals with the sufferings of an unbearable sorrow. It is basically cheap in nature, extremely vague and on realistic in nature. Therefore Barbara does not need any kind of analysis. Leavis's criticism of Smith's poem has nothing to do with tactical reading through the verse, it looks very personal. Each line is a memory, there is almost a picture in each line. Smith decides the words as he himself sharing his thought with Barbara. He is talking to her and he knows what to say so that she will understand him. 
         In the second part, Leavis presents Emily Bronte's is poem 'Cold in the Earth'. In an earlier book Leavis has called this poem as the finest poem of the 90th century, but in this letter essay he describe this poem as a failure. 

★The emotional sweep of the movement, the declamatory plangency of Cold in the Earth might seem to be represent dangerous temptation; but in responding to the effect of passionate in intensity we register what impress us as a controlling strength. The poem is read as plangent which suggest that there is something dangerous in it. Instanza 7 he describes that,
Then did I check the tears of useless passion.
           "Cold in the Earth'', in its strong plangency might reasonable be judged to be notable movement. However  if we go on to judge Hardy's After a Journey is a much final thing to be placed as a poetic achievement. According to leavis, those who confidently place Cold in the Earth above Barbara, do as a rule, judge after a journey superior to Cold in the Earth.
         Thomas Hardy was well known both as novelist and as a poet. His wife died in November 1912 after a short and painful illness. The shock of his wife's death filled Hardy with feeling of remorse and regret and that he produced a series of poems that are very powerful.

          The poem is a healing poem with seems to referbic to the care of his life. F. R. Leavis describes it as intimate or self communing. He describes it in a line,
Where you will next be there is no knowing.

           We can call itself communing, because when Hardy addresses the ghost, he is still addressing himself. It is easily recognised that the distinct quality of idioms and diction with the intimacy of tone achieves some striking accuracy and naturality.
         Hardy's poem, put side by side with Emily Bronte's is seem to have a great advantage in reality. If we can find a way that to say that hard dis poem has an advantage in reality is to say that it represents a profound and completer sincerity.
          It is like we are listening to Hardy is talking to himself somewhere inside our mind. He describes his wife in poem,
Nut coloured hair, and grey eyes and Rose flash.
         If we compare it with other two poems, there is absence of positive tone which Leavis describes as a having a great advantage and reality. The first word in the poem "Hereto" make Sun immediate effect of balance. Leavis describe the poem as a journey back through the time but actually we cannot go back to the time. Memory can recall his wife but her presence in the poem makes her absence. There is a detailed analysis of the line,
But all's closed now, despite time's division.
           The line makes this point clear; this is the statement that says, everything is closed despite time's standing. There is balance all over and the suffering of loss. He also gives an example of the first line,
Hereto I came to view a voiceless ghost.
          When we consider "view" it has been challenged. But we cannot judge 'view' until we have realised what is the nature of the ghost. Thomas Hardy is expressing the reality of rememberence but he also says that,
I am just the same.

         The point in this thread is to try to understand how we can recognise truth of the poem, or what makes a good piece of poetry, what is it about poetry that makes people want to write it. While Emily Bronte's poem "Cold in the Earth" is a striking poem, but when we go back to it from Hardy's, we may come to judgement that she is dramatising herself in a situation such as she has dearly not known in actual experience. While Hardy presents specific fact and concentrate circumstances.
        At the end of the essay, we come to know that Alexander Smith's "Barbara" comes lowest in order of preference.

           To sum up, we can say that above all F. R. Leavis, comparing piece of work "Cold in the Earth" and "After a Journey" on the base of reality and sincerity, come to conclusion that Hardy's "After a Journey" is more effective poem. Highlights the element of reality and sincerity more than the poem of Emily Bronte.

Objectives of Communication

Objectives of Communication The objective of communication is to transmit the message with meaning and understanding. It is the purpose of t...