Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Performance Charts and MY Learning Outcome

 The presentation performance chart was released before the annual function but as I was engrossed in so many works together, it was forgotten to share it. Today, sir released the Google Classroom performance chart and it is good to see that I could excel in both along with the university result. Here I intend to reflect on how Google Classroom talks and presentations have aided me in cultivating writing skills, critical thinking, developing knowledge, being fluent in speaking, and articulating my ideas along with sufficient research and research writing. 

Just two years back I entered the department for my post-graduation and it was then tougher to get into the milieu of the department. And after a few days, it became easier to learn novel things. Sir introduced us to Google Classroom the day we went for the confirmation of our admission with a thinking activity on what is literature for us based on our three years of learning literature while pursuing graduation and an online quiz to test our knowledge of literature. Then it became a habit to write blogs even if it was not asked. In my case, I used to write 2 to 3 blogs for one thinking activity to enhance my critical thinking skills. Simultaneously, we were asked to use ChatGPT to enhance language skills which has truly aided in excelling in writing without errors even if we are not using any AI tool like this write-up. Moreover, it has pushed us to look in and around to gain a better understanding of particular literary works. The addition of these unit-wise thinking activities, Sunday reading tasks, Bridge courses, and Mind Mapping tests has increased the level of understanding and remembering. All the tasks were evaluated by the teachers using particular rubrics like Content, Language, word count, Multimedia, Font, and Research. This writing has enriched my writing skills that I have witnessed while writing research papers and other tasks. The quizzes assigned by the teachers have increased the facts that became crucial in gaining the factual pieces of information about any literary piece of work(these quizzes became crucial while preparing for exams like NET and SET).

While talking about the benefits of presentations I am attaching here one of my blogs that I have written which encapsulates the learning outcome and its zeitgeist. Click Here

At the department, we have two types of presentations: one during the semester and the other at the end of the semester. During the semester, we were assigned a topic from the syllabus and we were to make a group presentation including keyfacts, plot, themes, symbols, research work and so on which has been essential in developing the initial understanding of the topic. Secondly, semester-end presentations were evaluated by Sir based on a rubric (Content, Verbal Skills, Content quality, Non- Verbal Skills, Research, and Research writing). This has granted me the confidence to deliver our views along with the research that has helped me to present research papers in various seminars and conferences effectively. Moreover, all the presentations were streamed live on YouTube, enabling us to face the camera and learn technical skills.

It is gratifying to see that throughout all the semesters, I have consistently improved, and this progress is evident in my performance charts. In the first semester, I did not achieve the top position in either the Google Classroom or presentation performance charts. However, I am pleased to share that from semesters 2 to 4, I excelled in both areas, attaining the first position with high scores.

I will always be grateful to Dilip Barad sir for his invaluable mentorship in preparing us for the future and helping us handle situations more effectively.

Performance Charts and MY Learning Outcome

 The presentation performance chart was released before the annual function but as I was engrossed in so many works together, it was forgott...